







The general SEO optimization of enterprise websites needs to consider ranking, long tail, and conversion rate. However, for SEO optimization of large portal sites, there are many things to consider. Website architecture, classification, paths, programs, and more. So Cheng Cheng believes that the SEO optimization of portal websites must be well planned and thoughtful.
程程 總結的門戶網站的seo優化思路分為三大步:網頁優化、關鍵詞策略、整站架構。我的網站就是按照這個思路來走的,有興趣的朋友可以去分析分析。
Cheng Cheng summarized that the SEO optimization approach for portal websites can be divided into three major steps: webpage optimization, keyword strategy, and overall website architecture. My website follows this approach, and interested friends can analyze and analyze it.
Firstly, let's share a practical phenomenon: websites are all composed of web pages. Learning how to optimize web pages and then aggregating them can help improve website optimization. We have the ability to optimize 70 pages one by one. But if the portal has 1 million pages, can you come one by one? Then you can only select key pages for optimization, and then pass them on to obtain better rankings.
This boils down to the fundamental thing - web page optimization: web pages should cater to the basic laws of search engines.
The first rule is that the product of a search engine is the content of a webpage. Firstly, we need to create original content (web pages) so that we can enjoy it without it. Search engines only calculate by webpage, and adding new content to pasted content can also create an original page. Originality will earn good points.
第二個規則是關鍵詞要和內容相符。相關性很重要,關鍵詞要統一。要讓你的標題,關鍵詞描述和頁面內容要統一,有固定的幾個泥桿 保定古箏 塑料增韌劑 拱形護坡模具 保定空調維修  托輥生產線關鍵詞。
The second rule is that keywords should match the content. Relevance is important, and keywords should be unified. Make your title, keyword description, and page content consistent, with a fixed number of keywords.
The third rule is the anti chain quantity, where the PR value represents the quantity. Backlinks should have relevance, the website they link to should have quality, and do not link to "bad neighbors", which is called the "trust index".

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